In Daniel Reid's great book The Tao of Health, Sex & Longevity, there's a section on foods that -kill' fat. Reid has this to say about Obesity:
-[This is] Excess adipose tissue deposited throughout the body, especially abdomen, buttocks and thighs, owing to excessive consumption of refined starch and sugar, and habitual consumption of incompatible food combinations; obesity is sometimes due to glandular disorders, but such disorders are often also the direct result of poor dietary habits and may therefore be corrected with the same nutritional therapy; fasting and colonic irrigations are very helpful as the first steps in correcting both obesity and glandular disorders, followed by nutritional therapy.
He then lists the foods (and juices) to help obesity:
*Carrot juice: -raw carrot juice cleanses the entire digestive tract of morbid wastes, detoxifies the liver, and balances the endocrine system, all of which help cure and prevent obesity: 2 pints daily.-
*Carrot, beet and cucumber juice: a major symptom of obesity is acidosis: this combo alkalises the system, -thus promoting efficient metabolism and excretion of wastes: 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 2 pints daily.-
*Spinach: -raw spinach is one of nature's best antidotes for lower bowel stagnation, which is a common cause of obesity; consume raw in salads, or 6 oz juice mixed with 10 oz carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily.-
*Cabbage juice: -[this] detoxifies the stomach and upper bowels of putrefactive wastes, thereby improving digestive efficiency and facilitating rapid elimination, mix half-half with carrot juice, 1 pint daily.-
He also mentions Foods to Avoid: all refined starch and sugar, especially white bread and sweet pastries, overcooked meats; fatty meats; chocolate; pasteurised milk; cooked eggs; alcohol.
Well, just goes to show. I don't think fat on meat is a bad thing: in fact I think it can sometimes be good for you. I don't mind eggs either, since they're protein, but I do agree that frying food is not as healthy as broiling and steaming.
But generally I think Reid's suggestions are fantastic, and I recommend getting the book (and no, I don't get commissions from anyone for punting their stuff.
Author: Gloria Morgan, Find various topic on Google Plus, Facebook Fanspage and Twitter.
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